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Monday, 30 January 2012 21:50

Template Typography

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Template Typography

Creating Beautiful Content With Simple Code

Typography is a fundamental part of a template, providing you with the tools to characterise your content and bring it to life. There is a vast array of typography available with Clarion template, as is with our previous releases, from list styles, notice blocks and a diverse number of other elements.

If you are using the TinyMCE editor for HTML typography, go to Extensions → Plugin Manager → TinyMCE 2.0 → Set Code Clean-up on Save to Never.

<h1> Heading Styles

H1. Heading 1

H2. Heading 2

H3. Heading 3

H4. Heading 4

H5. Heading 5

H1. Component Page Title

H1. Component Content Title

<ul> List Styles

  • This is an example of a standard list style. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet nibh.
  • This is an example of a standard list style. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet nibh.

  • To use this style create a list in the following format: <ul class="dots"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul> (HTML).
  • To use this style create a list in the following format: [list class=" dots"][li]....[/li][li....[/li][/list] (ROKCANDY).

<p> DropCap Styles

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibu. Pellentesque vel enim urna, sit amet blandit ipsum. Maecenas quis sem sit amet nunc pretium mattis. Sed dapibus semper est, sed pretium erat.

Use the following format: <p class="dropcap">...</p> (HTML) or [dropcap class="dropcap"]...[/dropcap] (ROKCANDY). You can use any letter, symbol or number.

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Use this format: <p class="dropcap2">...</p> (HTML) or [dropcap class="dropcap2"] ... [/dropcap] (ROKCANDY)

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Use this format: <p class="dropcap3">...</p> (HTML) or [dropcap class="dropcap3"] ... [/dropcap] (ROKCANDY)

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Use this format: <p class="dropcap4">...</p> (HTML) or [dropcap class="dropcap4"] ... [/dropcap] (ROKCANDY)

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Use this format: <p class="dropcap5">...</p> (HTML) or [dropcap class="dropcap5"] ... [/dropcap] (ROKCANDY)

<blockquote> Styles

To replicate, use the following formatting: <blockquote><p>....</p></blockquote> (HTML) or [blockquote class="default"]...[/blockquote] (ROKCANDY).

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.

To replicate, use the following formatting: <blockquote class="alignleft"><p>....</p></blockquote> (HTML) or [blockquote class="alignleft"]...[/blockquote] (ROKCANDY).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris metus tortor.

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis.

To replicate, use the following formatting: <blockquote class="alignright"><p>....</p></blockquote> (HTML) or [blockquote class="alignright"]...[/blockquote] (ROKCANDY).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris metus tortor.


<pre> Code Styles

This is a sample <pre class="lines">...</pre> (HTML) or,
[pre2 class="{lines}"] ... [/pre2] (ROKCANDY) tag:

div.modulebox-black div.bx1 {
  background: url(../images/box_bl.png) 0 100% repeat;

div.modulebox-black div.bx2 {
  background: url(../images/box_tr.png) 100% 0 repeat;
This is a sample <pre>...</pre> (HTML) or, 
[pre class="{lines}"] ... [/pre] (ROKCANDY) tag:

div.modulebox-black div.bx1 {
  background: url(../images/box_bl.png) 0 100% repeat;

div.modulebox-black div.bx2 {
  background: url(../images/box_tr.png) 100% 0 repeat;

<p> Notice Styles

This is a sample of the Approved style. To replicate, use the following syntax: <p class="approved">....</p> (HTML) or [notice class="approved"] ... [/notice] (ROKCANDY).

This is a sample of the Attention style. To replicate, use the following syntax: <p class="attention">....</p> (HTML) or [notice class="attention"] ... [/notice] (ROKCANDY).

This is a sample of the Notice style. To replicate, use the following syntax: <p class="notice">....</p> (HTML) or [notice class="notice"] ... [/notice] (ROKCANDY).

This is a sample of the Alert style. To replicate, use the following syntax: <p class="alert">....</p> (HTML) or [notice class="alert"] ... [/notice] (ROKCANDY).


<span> Text Icon Styles

To replicate, the following format: <span class="text-icon iconname">...</span> (HTML) or [icon class="icon name"]...[/icon] (ROKCANDY). The class names are listed below, such as "text-icon email".

Text with a phone icon

Text with a quote icon

Text with a cart icon

Text with a rss icon

Text with a tags icon

Text with a write icon

Text with an info icon

Text with a sound icon

Text with a rightarrow icon

Text with a leftarrow icon

Text with a circlearrow icon

Text with a downarrow icon

Text with an uparrow icon

Text with a person icon

Text with a calendar icon

Text with a doc icon
Text with a bulb icon

Text with a youtube icon

Text with a skype icon

Text with a video icon

Text with a dropbox icon

Text with a vimeo icon

Text with a paypal icon

<em> Emphasis Styles

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="italic">...</em> (HTML) or [emphasis]...[/emphasis] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="bold">...</em> (HTML) or [emphasisbold]...[/emphasisbold] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="bold2">...</em> (HTML) or [emphasisbold2]...[/emphasisbold2] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="default"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight white">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="white"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight black">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="black"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight green">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="green"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight yellow">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="yellow"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight blue">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="blue"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)

This is a emphasis tag that allows you to highlight words or phrases. Use the following format: <em class="highlight red">...</em> (HTML) or [highlight class="red"]...[/highlight] (ROKCANDY)


<ul> List Styles (Icons)

To replicate, use the following format: <ul class="list-icon icon_name"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul> (HTML) or [list class="list-icon icon_name"][li]....[/li][li....[/li][/list] (ROKCANDY). The icon names are listed below, such as "cart".

  • A list item using the list-icon phone class.
  • A list item using the list-icon phone class.

  • A list item using the list-icon quote class.
  • A list item using the list-icon quote class.

  • A list item using the list-icon youtube class.
  • A list item using the list-icon youtube class.

  • A list item using the list-icon cart class.
  • A list item using the list-icon cart class.
  • A list item using the list-icon tags class.
  • A list item using the list-icon tags class.

  • A list item using the list-icon write class.
  • A list item using the list-icon write class.

  • A list item using the list-icon info class.
  • A list item using the list-icon info class.

  • A list item using the list-icon sound class.
  • A list item using the list-icon sound class.

  • A list item using the list-icon rightarrow class.
  • A list item using the list-icon rightarrow class.

  • A list item using the list-icon skype class.
  • A list item using the list-icon skype class.

  • A list item using the list-icon rss class.
  • A list item using the list-icon rss class.
  • A list item using the list-icon leftarrow class.
  • A list item using the list-icon leftarrow class.

  • A list item using the list-icon circlearrow class.
  • A list item using the list-icon circlearrow class.

  • A list item using the list-icon dropbox class.
  • A list item using the list-icon dropbox class.

  • A list item using the list-icon vimeo class.
  • A list item using the list-icon vimeo class.

  • A list item using the list-icon downarrow class.
  • A list item using the list-icon downarrow class.

  • A list item using the list-icon video class.
  • A list item using the list-icon video class.

  • A list item using the list-icon uparrow class.
  • A list item using the list-icon uparrow class.

  • A list item using the list-icon person class.
  • A list item using the list-icon person class.

  • A list item using the list-icon calendar class.
  • A list item using the list-icon calendar class.

  • A list item using the list-icon bulb class.
  • A list item using the list-icon bulb class.

  • A list item using the list-icon paypal class.
  • A list item using the list-icon paypal class.

  • A list item using the list-icon doc class.
  • A list item using the list-icon doc class.

<ul> List Styles (CSS3)

These list styles are based on the latest CSS3 techniques and are designed to work in modern browsers (will not display properly in IE6-IE8).

To replicate, use the following format: <ul class="class name"><li>....</li><li>....</li>...</ul> (HTML) or [list class="class name"][li]....[/li][li....[/li][/list] (ROKCANDY). The class names are listed below, such as "checkmark red".

  • Checkmark
  • Checkmark
  • Circle-Checkmark
  • Circle-Checkmark
  • Square-Checkmark
  • Square-Checkmark
  • Checkmark Green
  • Checkmark Green
  • Checkmark Yellow
  • Checkmark Yellow
  • Checkmark Red
  • Checkmark Red
  • Checkmark Blue
  • Checkmark Blue
  • Checkmark White
  • Checkmark White
  • Triangle-Small
  • Triangle-Small
  • Triangle
  • Triangle
  • Triangle-Large
  • Triangle-Large
  • Triangle Green
  • Triangle Green
  • Triangle Yellow
  • Triangle Yellow
  • Triangle Red
  • Triangle Red
  • Triangle Blue
  • Triangle Blue
  • Triangle White
  • Triangle White
  • Circle-Small
  • Circle-Small
  • Circle
  • Circle
  • Circle-Large
  • Circle-Large
  • Circle Green
  • Circle Green
  • Circle Yellow
  • Circle Yellow
  • Circle Red
  • Circle Red
  • Circle Blue
  • Circle Blue
  • Circle White
  • Circle White

<span> Inset Styles

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Inset Right TitleYou will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-right"> <span class="inset-right-title"> .... </span> ... some content ... </strong> (HTML) or [inset side="right" title="Inset Right Title"] ... some content ...[/inset] (ROKCANDY) Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Inset Left TitleYou will need to use the following formatting: <span class="inset-left"> <span class="inset-left-title"> .... </span> ... some content ... </strong> (HTML) or [inset side="left" title="Inset Left Title"] ... some content ...[/inset] (ROKCANDY) Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed euismod magna a nibh.

Sed euismod magna a nibh. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque.

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Praesent rutrum sapien ac felis. Phasellus elementum dolor quis turpis. Vestibulum nec mi vitae pede tincidunt nonummy. Vestibulum facilisis mollis neque. Sed orci. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Read 149584 times Last modified on Tuesday, 31 January 2012 17:44


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